Our Editorial Standards

Our Mission

Our goal at Latest-Hairstyles.com is to inspire you to love your hair. We do that by publishing photos of today’s trendiest hairstyles, haircuts, and colors. We also desire you to have healthy hair using the best products and tools that you can afford. We do all of this by partnering with expert hairstylists, colorists, and barbers who help give us insights into today’s best hair looks and products.

Our Promise To You

Our Editorial Principles and Ethics

Everything we publish on Latest-Hairstyles.com is created and published with these principles and ethics in mind. You can see this as a list of what we value most.

  1. Inclusive. We embrace diversity and personal freedom of expression. We provide inspiring and helpful content, photos, and videos for all races, ages, and genders.
  2. Accurate. Authority and expertise are essential to us. Having information that is true and helpful can only be provided by people with years of real-world experience, and proper accreditation and licensing. That’s why we interview some of the world’s most respected hairstylists and barbers who share tips, advice, and style ideas.
  3. Trustworthy. We want all of our information to be worthy of your trust. We do this by providing clear, easy to read content, modern hair photos, and working with hair experts. We also hope that by providing you with our editorial guidelines, we’re one step closer.
  4. Current. We want all of our photos and written content to be up-to-date with today’s best information and trends. We do this by consistently reviewing all previously published content and update outdated information and photos.
  5. Clear. We want our written content to be concise and easy to understand. The more someone can understand what we’ve written, the more helpful our content can be. We do this by having proofreaders review all content for clearness. We also use software that reads our content and highlights content that is not clear so that we can make appropriate changes.
  6. Helpful. We want our website to be helpful for people choosing a new hairstyle, haircut, or color. Everything from our written text, photos, and videos. For each piece of content, we evaluate it by asking ourselves, “Will this be helpful for someone in choosing a new look?” Additionally, we occasionally solicit feedback from readers on our website, asking about how helpful our content is. We then update content that receives an unsatisfactory rating with new and better information and photos. We also welcome feedback at anytime. Please let us know how we can improve by sending an email to feedback@latest-hairstyles.com.
  7. Inspiring. We want our content to inspire someone’s next hairstyle, haircut, or color. We do that by providing helpful information that’s easy to understand and implement. We also have a strict photo selection process only to choose hairstyles, haircuts, and colors that are considered modern, trendy, or age-appropriate for the times.
  8. Quality. We aim to do everything to the best of our ability from choosing great-looking photos to writing and publishing error-free text. We have put into place several systems and processes that help us publish high-quality content and photos. See below for more details about our editorial quality standard.
  9. Independent. We do not accept financial compensation for exchange in coverage. We abide by FTC disclosure guidelines. When we receive money for publishing content on our website, we’ll make that clear.

Our Editorial Quality Standards

The quality of our content is one of our core principles. After years of trial and error, we have created a robust editorial process to ensure that we publish content that meets our standards. Below is our process in how we meet these standards.

How We Source Content

We work with respected and well-known hair experts as sources of accurate information, original content, and current trends. Specifically, we use Instagram to find creative hairstylists, colorists, and barbers, who are publishing leading-edge, trending work. We reach out to these hair experts and develop relationships, which often lead to them contributing to our website. There are a lot of hair pictures on Instagram, so we spend hours each day curating the best and most popular looks, so you don’t have to.

Our Writers and Editors

Each writer and editor on our team has extensive and on-going expertise of the hair, hairstyles, haircuts, colors, and products. Our team heavily leans on personal experience and our network of hair experts that consist of hairstylists, colorists, and barbers to provide us accurate information, new knowledge, and fact-checking. Every writer of an article is listed at the top of the article with a short bio. Within that bio includes a link for you to view their full bio to learn more about who they are, credentials, experience, education, skillset, and more.

Editorial Corrections

Our editorial process allows us to be as complete and accurate as possible. However, we are not perfect. If a reader or we have discovered an inaccuracy, we quickly make sure to remedy the problem. If you believe you have found something inaccurate, please notify us – hello@latest-hairstyles.com.


All advertisements on our website are provided by the advertising agency SHE Media, LLC. They provide programmatic and direct ad buys on our behalf, without our review. We believe they do an excellent job partnering with companies to display the most relevant and high-quality advertisements on our website. Advertisers do not influence any publication decisions we make.


Our website is independently owned and operated by Invision Management Group, LLC, a private for-profit company located in Las Vegas, Nevada.


To provide a website that’s free for anyone to access to view hair photos and advice, we need money to operate. Our operating expenses include paying for hosting, domain registration, writers, editors, software, professional services, and taxes. To pay for these expenses, we have chosen to display advertisements on our website. Each advertisement has a label with the word “ADVERTISEMENT.”